skipAlong in the up and down journey of my life



                                             Tanah Lot


                                            donor darah



 Gili Trawangan

                                               Patrick starfish

 Pulau Penyu


Prajab III


The Lazy Song

Some time last weekend, I stumble seeing this video while I’m eating at GI Mall and I just have to tell you that I’m just crazy for this song:

I’ve heard the song before, and I like it, but then I saw the video and I love it! hahahha
It just seem appropriate for theme song of the next days…

Happy Holiday all!!!!


Sejak kerja, saya merasa sepertinya waktu buat ketemu keluarga semakin berkurang. Mungkin bukan bagi keluarga inti seperti mama, papa atau adik karena tiap bulan pasti saya akan pulang ke rumah. Tapi keluarga besar, seperti tante, oom, sepupu-sepupu, rasanya gak ada waktu untuk berkunjung..

Ini foto sebagian kecil saudara-saudara saya, waktu kita jalan-jalan d Paris van Java Mall di Bandung, kota kelahiran saya..

Ini ketika saya dan beberapa sepupu jalan-jalan disekitar jalan menuju landasan pesawat terbang di dekat rumah saya, hehehe

Ini sepupu saya Yong Nie, yang lahir cuma seminggu lebih dulu dari saya, mencoba pose “terbang” hihihi

Ini She-she, dia juga ingin berpose seperti kakaknya hahaha

Ini She-she dan Ela, they’re tryin’ to be cute.. ahahaha

Hmmm I miss them…

a little sad,

Back Again!

Hahahahaha!! Sudah lamaaa sekali saya absen dari dunia blogging..

Kalo tidak diingatkan oleh teman saya Rully, mungkin masih belum mulai nge-blog lagi nih.

Alasannya adalah sejak tahun kemarin saya telah berusaha mencari pekerjaan yang cocok dengan keinginan / cita-cita saya. Sejak Awal tahun kemarin, saya telah mengikuti tes penerimaan CPNS di salah satu kementerian Negara. Alhamdulillah saya masuk. Hal ini bukan tanpa pertentangan dari keluarga saya. Mereka berpikir mengapa saya yang sudah memiliki pekerjaan di sebuah perusahaan swasta ingin bekerja di instansi pemerintahan yang nota bene gajinya lebih kecil.

Oke, untuk menjawab itu saya perlu mengingat cita-cita saya. Saya akui saya ini bukan orang yang telah mengetahui akan menjadi apa atau berkarir di bidang apa. Saya ingat waktu kecil, saat teman-teman lain ditanya oleh guru dikelas “mau jadi apa nanti kalau sudah besar?” mereka dengan yakin menjawab, “mau jadi dokter!” atau, “mau jadi pilot!” atau apalah lagi profesi lainnya. Tapi saya sendiri tidak yakin mau jadi apa… saat giliran saya menjawab, saya bingung cari ide, jadi saya bilang saja saya mau jadi guru hahaha berhubung saya kagum pada guru saya saat itu.

Tapi satu yang saya sering minta dalam doa-doa saya kepada Alloh: saya ingin menjadi kebanggaan orang tua saya serta berguna bagi nusa dan bangsa dan masuk surga. Hahaha oke kalian yang baca boleh tertawa. Agak naïf ya.. tapi bener lho. Setelah melalui jalan hidup yang singkat ini (jiaah..) saya merasa inilah jalan yang diberikan Alloh untuk membawa saya agar doa saya itu terkabul.

Jadi yah begitulah, dari tengah tahun kemarin hingga saat ini saya merasa agak kurang waktu untuk nulis di blog. Tapi saya upayakan mulai saat ini akan menulis lagi.


❤ dewi


Happy Independence Day Indonesia! It’s been 65 years since you born.

Such a young years for a nation. Such a long way to go.

Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagos in the world that has 17,508 islands, situated between 6 degrees northern latitude and 11 degrees southern latitude and spreading from 97 degrees to 141 degrees eastern longitude and it is located between two continents – Asia and Australia/Oceania. This strategic position greatly influences the country’s culture, social, politics and economy.

The Indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the seventh century, when Srivijaya and then later Majapahit traded with China and India. Local rulers gradually absorbed foreign cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries CE, and Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms flourished. Indonesian history has been influenced by foreign powers drawn to its natural resources. Muslim traders brought Islam, and European powers fought one another to monopolize trade in the Spice Islands of Maluku during the Age of Discovery. Following three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia secured its independence after World War II.

Across its many islands, Indonesia consists of distinct ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The population of Indonesia can be divided into two major groups: in the western region most of the people are from the Malay ethnicity while in the eastern region there are the Papuans originating from the Melanesian Islands. Indonesia also recognizes specific ethnic groups that come from a certain province/area and have specific language for example the Javanese from Central or East Java, the Sundanese from West Java or the Batak ethnicity from North Sumatra.

Many Indonesians speak their ethnic language as their mother tongue. However, the Indonesian language is the official language and it is taught at all schools and most Indonesians are proficient in using the language for communication.

Pancasila is the philosophic fundamentals of the state.  The word “Pancasila” is derived from two Sanskrit words, “panca” which means five, and “sila” which means principle. Pancasila consists of five principles that are interrelated and inseparable, namely:

1. The belief in one God
2. A just and civilized humanism
3. Unity of Indonesia
4. Democratic citizenship lead by wise guidance born of representative consultation
5. Social just for all the people of Indonesia

Indonesia is a democratic country that applies a presidential system and Pancasila is the soul of the Indonesian democracy. Indonesia adopts a democracy that is based on the 5 principles known as the Pancasila Democracy. These state fundamentals were proclaimed by President Soekarno (the first President of Indonesia) on the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 1945.

Indonesia has around 300 ethnic groups, each with cultural identities developed over centuries, and influenced by Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Malay, and European sources, which creates many cultures such as: batik, wayang, angklung, etc.

(See more at,, oh just googled it ^_^ )



Nope, not that Rain ehehe…

I mean this rain

rain.jpg image by angelzed

Yup it’s raining almost everyday now in most part of Indonesia.

I think. Maybe.

Well, at least it is raining almost everyday where I live.

It’s because of that Conson Typhoon at South China Sea that caused lost of life, injured, and missing person. Condolences for them.

Meanwhile on the northern part of the world, Russian suffers of heat wave A man wades in a fountain outside the Kremlin in Moscow on Friday to escape the heat.

That grandpa is wades in a fountain outside the Kremlin in Moscow on Friday to escape the heat wave.

Read more:

Hmm, maybe those were caused by the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases on earth.

Learn about global warming, causes, prevention and what have we (use the term loosely here) done here: or just googled it.

Getting serious isn’t it? well we have to learn something (or at least one thing) everyday, right…? Right?

*Tap, tap, hello, this thing on?*

Oh, well. Not really expecting someone (anyone..?!) to reply (or read this post haha!).Well yes I actually hope someone to reply…

I just feeling bored is all. I planned for getting out this afternoon but the RAIN stopped me (actually it stopped my friend) for getting out of my house. My plan is to watch this:

But that’s ok, ’cause what I really, reeeeaallly want to watch is…

But not until August, 4th …


Rainy girl,

My all time favorite songs (not in order):

> Vitamin C – Graduation; Video klipnya high school banget

> BCL – Karena Ku Cinta Kau

> Lusy Rahmawati  — Ternyata; Baca Dee-Supernova: Ksatria, Putri dan Bintang Jatuh dtemenin lagu ini pas banget mnrt gw, kalo ada filmnya inilah salah satu soundtracknya.

> Sandhy Sondoro – Malam Biru; Enak denger lagu ini d perjalanan ,aplg klo malem2 hehe.

> Owl City – Vanila Twilight; coz I wish you were here,,,

> Muse — Supermassive Black Hole; theme song peran antagonis in a whole wide world (on movies of coz… what? what do you think?)

> The Carpenters – Close To You

> Somewhere Over The Rainbow

> Beyond The Sea

> Singin’ In The Rain; Coz I like the rain.

> Kylie Minogue – Can’t Get You Out Of My Mind; Literally… Seriously, just can’t…

> Reza – Pertama

> TLC – Unpretty

> Usher – Burn

> Rihanna — Take A Bow

avid listener,


Hai gw janji resensi (ato apalah sbutanya) abis ntn Eclipse ama temen gw Dy. Here it is, Dy:


  1. Kurang lama (heh heh) jadi pendalaman karakternya kurang, padahal selain cerita Rosalie dan Jasper cerita Cullens laennya juga ada.
  2. Akting Stewart kurang.
  3. Gw Kecewa ama karakter Bella, harusnya Bella tetep spt d Twilight n br berubah setelah Breaking Dawn (di Eclipse dia jd remaja gaul gt dandanannya).
  4. Scene berantemnyakurang lama/bnyk, Pengembangan cerita wkt scene2 awalnya  jg kurang.


  1. Acting Rob lebih baik dsini drpd d New Moon.
  2. Jacob lebih dewasa .
  3. Dsini jg Edward dgambarkan sbg org yg not perfect; cemburu, licik, dll. Tapi, teteep…
  4. Kalimat fave gw oleh Edward, kurang lbh gini: “What, doesn’t he have a shirt?” lu tau kan ‘he’ itu sapa.. hehehe.
  5. Scene fave gw wkt Edward n Jacob ‘heart to heart’ hehe jg scene2 yg ada Charlie nya bagus.
  6. Dsini pr penggemar dpuasin ama close-up2 Edward,jg Jacob, bahkan Bella.
  7. Tapi dgn waktu yg terbatas, all in all nilai gw not bad lah, editingnya bagus,  gw suka sutradaranya, dulu dia sk bikin video clip trus dia jg yg buat ’30 Days of Night’ .
  8. All that (and more.. ;)) ngbuat gw pgn ntn lg hehehe…  ga rugi deh ntn aja.

Oya, ud tau blm sbnernya Stephenie Meyer buat novel Twilight dr Edward Poin of View, jd those of you yg complain kok aneh Edward bs suka ama Bella, ada tu crtnya Cuma sayang pembuatan novelnya berenti dtengah jln krn bocor ke public ngebuat Meyer marah. Too bad, pdhl bagus bgt tu crtnya dr vampire PoV.

Eh juga pay attention ama vampire cewe anak kecil yg dselamatn Carlile&Esme, dia dbuat Novella nya ama Meyer lho.

That’s all from my PoV, hope will help.



Hi there!

Awalnya saya suka baca-baca blog orang, lalu iseng buat blog sendiri.

Saya suka membaca, tetapi tidak bisa menulis (susah menurut saya menulis itu!).

Mudah-mudahan dengan nge-blog ini melatih saya untuk ‘menulis’.

Mohon petunjuknya dan salam kenal…